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Past Winners of the Paul Cram Creation Award
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Thank you to our donors
Steven Jamieson
Bern Boxill
Ashley Cabral
Laura Hoffman
Judy Adams
Chris Spencer-Lowe
Melissa Andrew
Joan Craig
Michael J. Lee
Linda Hodgins
Marilynne Bell
John Macleod
Sam Dyson
Brian Crawford
John and Lois Thompson
Dan Sinclair
Karen Robinson
Dawn Hatfield
Brian Crawford
James MacKelvie
Chris Elson
Bob Bauer
Martha Radice
Carol-Ann Wien
Joanne Hatfiled
Andre Bellefeuille
Lukas Pearse
Sebastien Bezeau
Sarah Wakely
Tom Donovan
Jay Heisler
Gay Hauser
Brian Bartlett
Lelland Reed
Sarah Wakely
John and Lois Thompson
Shauna DeGruchy
Susan Hunter
Dr. Normand Carrey
Karen Janigan
John Crace
Seb Bezeau