Abstract pattern: purple, blue, and green on a black background.

An Upstream Fun Raiser

Lovers of music Seekers of artful morsels
You are invited to Friday the 13th at 1313
A Party Where Music Means Food!
Dear Friends of Upstream,
Upstream's 18th season is at an end and we are ready to unleash a new one. To delight you, we have chosen a meshing of improvised music and inspired food.
MUSIC: Daring musicians have agreed to mill about and await the call to improvise. As guests, you are the conductors of the night. At any time, you may turn to musicians and for a small donation request a solo, duo, trio etc. "Play for us the letter M, Play the colour orange…." prompting the spirit of improvisation.
FOOD: The Handicraft Hash House performs "Variations on a Theme." Local painter and epicure Ted White has designed canapés, soups and salads especially for the night. The Bayou, The Waldorf, and The Salt Peanut are his creations and are available for a small price. He may be enticed to improvise more on the spot.
SEASONING: A new season is beginning in July with A Love Upstream at the Atlantic Jazz Festival, and we want to tell you all about it. Paul Cram, our Artistic Director, has a special and fitting presentation prepared.
FUN RAISING: Like a true party, we are not charging at the door, but like a true fundraiser we are accepting donations. With solos etc. you can pledge an amount to be tallied at the end of the night. Remember, we are a charitable organization; we will issue a tax receipt for all donations $25 and over. See you there!
Upstream Music Association board and staff