micro / MACRO
Joseph Strug Concert Hall, 1385 Seymour St., Halifax
Join the Upstream Orchestra Friday, May 10 at the Joseph Strug Concert Hall at the Fountain School of Performing Arts for an evening sure to inspire!
7:15pm-7:40pm: "Talkback" with composers, composer mentor Amy Brandon, and Upstream Artistic Director Lukas Pearse.
At micro/MACRO, audiences can expect to experience the unfolding of miniature musical models into multiplexities of sonic exploitation, as brave improvisers expand and extrapolate new compositions into unheard forms. The Upstream Orchestra will delve into the possibilities presented by single-page propositions crafted by emerging composers; each musician is literate in contemporary classical and jazz performance techniques, and all are confident extemporizing soloists. The intentionally open-ended arrangements will allow these small seeds of musical concepts to expand in performance to the demands of the moment – from microscopic ideas grow large sonic forms for this large and unconventional ensemble.
The Upstream Orchestra is comprised of many of the finest musicians in Halifax, conducted by the incomparable Jeff Reilly, and for this event, they will be exploring the possibilities of single-page propositions by emerging composers, dexterously guided by JUNO-nominated composer Amy Brandon.
PRESS RELEASE 05.01.2024 - Experience "micro/MACRO": An Evening of Musical Exploration with the Upstream Orchestra
Composers and Featured Compositions
Dylan Hay - Anti-Phoney
Nicola Miller - Bartalk
Lucas Goudie - Roche Limit
Jeremie Boudreau - Neurotic Silver Tongue
David Johnston - five minutes in the next millennium.
Uandha Fernandes Barbosa - Thálassa
V.D. Caswell - Sketches of a Father
Maya Taraschi - The Time Being
Paul Cram - Into the Ice: Formings
Rosanna Burill - Violin
Donald MacLennan - Violin
Claire CS Hunter - Viola
India Gailey - Cello
Norman Adams - Cello
Lukas Pearse - Double Bass
David Owen - Oboe
Devin Wesley - Bassoon
Andrew MacKelvie - Soprano Saxophone
Nicola Miller - Alto Saxophone
Jackson Fairfax-Perry - Tenor Saxophone
Dylan Hay - Trombone
Shauna DeGruchy - Bass Trombone
Geordie Haley - Guitar
Robin Servant - Button Accordion
Tim Crofts - Piano
Behrooz Mihankhah - Piano
Erin Donovan - Percussion
Lucas Goudie - Drums
Joseph Strug Concert Hall, 1385 Seymour St., Halifax