Abstract colours

CNMN regional meeting for Atlantic Canada


Diversity: a rolling national conversation

A project of the Canadian New Music Network

in collaboration with presenters and festivals across Canada


Great guest panelists 

coming together with great local artists and practitioners 

creating an efflorescence of ideas.


Beginning in Halifax, moving on to Victoria, and winding up in Montréal, this rolling national conversation on diversity in new music is bound to come up with new perspectives, novel approaches and creative solutions.   


Diversity of practitioner:  Who is attracted to the practice of new music in Canada?  Is it a case of who is allowed in?  

Diversity of musical expression:  What forms of expression comprise new music in Canada?  Where are the shifting boundaries?  Do they include all they should?

Diversity of audience:  Who is the audience? Who could the audience be?  How can we achieve a broader range?


In the three centres, discussion is framed by different practical considerations: in Halifax, communicating; in Victoria, audience engagement; in Montréal, the sticky issue of sticking to one’s mandate. 


If you can’t be there in person, watch for postings of reports and video on CNMN’s website. http://www.newmusicnetwork.ca/en/




In marketing, to whom do we send our message or concert notices?   Are we making unwarranted assumptions about what kind of audiences might be interested?  What potential audience do we miss or even exclude?  And in programming, are we open and welcoming in whom we present?  Do we actively seek new and diverse creative voices, and new expression, as much as we could or should? 

Presenting partners:   Upstream Music Association (Lukas Pearse, AD) and suddenlyLISTEN (Norm Adams, AD)

Moderator:                  Ellen Waterman, musicologist and improviser (St. John’s)

Invited guests:            Juliet Palmer, composer/AD Urban Vessel (Toronto)

                                    André Cormier, composer /AD Le Hum (Moncton)

                                    Rémy Bélanger de Beauport, composer/improviser (Rimouski)

                                    Dinuk Wijeratne, composer/pianist/conductor (Halifax)